Membership Application
Thank you for your interest in NAFA membership!
Before you begin the membership process, consider becoming a NAFA sponsor. Depending on the level, your membership dues are included, you receive free registration to NAFA events and company visability throughout the year, including on the website and NAFA publications.
Become a NAFA Sponsor
There are many benefits to joining the list of 2025 NAFA sponsors. Platinum, Gold and Silver level sponsors receive a free membership. Before you complete the membership application, find out more about the NAFA sponsor program here.
Please complete the membership application below to tell us more about your company and interest in NAFA. While your membership application is pending, you and your employees are welcome to attend all NAFA events at the non-member rate. All members are required to abide by the NAFA Code of Ethic (see below).
To apply for Professional Individual, Student or Supplemental membership, contact NAFA staff for an application.