NAFA Recognition Award Criteria & Nomination Form
History: In 2006, NAFA started the Hall of Fame to recognize outstanding individuals in the air filter industry. Two new award categories were added in 2007, they are the “Distinguished Service Award” and “Lifetime Achievement Award.” All nominees for these membership awards will be submitted to NAFA Staff, on this form, to be considered. Here are the criteria for these awards:
Distinguished Service Award (DSA)
The DSA is instituted to recognize individuals who, by their efforts, promote NAFA through their participation on Committees, contributing articles to Air Media or writing or rewriting NAFA texts, giving presentations to or on behalf of NAFA, or generally doing work that promotes the air filter industry while being a member of NAFA. Individuals eligible for the DSA must be a member in good standing and need not be retired or deceased to receive this honor.
Hall of Fame (HOF)
The NAFA Hall of Fame recognizes outstanding achievement in the air filter industry by NAFA members. These may be (but not limited to) NAFA Past Presidents, Past Officers and Lifetime Members. These individuals should have contributed significantly to NAFA by way of their service and should have a reputation in good standing among the membership. Members may nominate a member for the Hall of Fame who: 1. Are deceased or, 2. Are out of the industry with no expectation of returning to the industry because of age or physical impairment.
Lifetime Achievement Award (LAA)
The LAA is instituted to recognize those individuals either in or outside the NAFA membership who have contributed to the overall knowledge of the art and science of air filtration. These people would be involved in providing insight and research into the principles of air filtration, testing and validating performance, promoting proper filtration to or through their non-air filter industry.